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A Music Therapists Adaptation of "Leaves are Falling Down"
A music therapist will often be called upon to come up with a song in the spur of the moment to facilitate a positive therapeutic intervention. Over the years, I’ve built up quite a collection of these “on-the-spot” creations to help children with special needs relax and learn special skills. It occurred to me a while back that other music therapists might find these songs useful, so over the past year I recorded some and wrote out the musical score.
Jennifer Hezoucky, MT-BC, Jacobsburg, OH.
I recently I received a very touching email and newsletter from Jennifer, a music therapist in Jacobsburg, Ohio who bought my fall song, “Leaves are falling down.” She shared with me a beautiful video of how she used the song with young pre-school children. Here is what she wrote:
What's Happening this Fall!
“At Creative Learning Daycare my preschool music class has been singing songs about fall. What a great way to incorporate learning when you have a seasonal theme! I love searching for new songs to use with my groups and I came across a song written by John Mews who is a music therapist and owner of Mewsic Moves. His song is called "Leaves are Falling Down.” There are many ways to use this song but I chose to use my new NSL 30" drum and scarves. Instead of using the stand that the drum came with I chose to set it on the floor so that the children can sit around the drum and experience playing one instrument as a group. I placed colored scarves in the middle of the drum (preferably fall colors) and held up each scarf as we sang what color was picked up. This was a great activity to introduce group drumming and color recognition.”
Click on the video to the right to watch how Jennifer adapted this song on the gathering drums with pre-school aged children.
Watching her video with those beautiful children really warmed my heart. Seeing the wonderfully creative way Jennifer used my song to create that moment made me feel very glad that I’d recorded it.
I love your stories, and am so grateful when you share them with me! Thank you Jennifer for your amazing work and for sharing this beautiful video.
To view Jennifer’s webpage go to: http://lifesongtherapy.com
Now that you get a sense of how this song can be used in creative ways I would like to offer each reader a discount on this song!
Now you can get a 50% discount of “Leaves are Falling Down” through the end of November. (Offer expires November 30th)
Click on the "buy now!" button to the right and enter this code at checkout: LEAVES