Educational blogs for parents and professionals

The Importance of Gratitude and Music in Mental Health Wellness

We are in the midst of one of the biggest holidays in the United States, Thanksgiving. Many families traditionally host family dinners and create memories and focus on things that they are grateful for during this holiday season. As a marriage and family therapist as well as music therapist, in our practice at Mewsic Moves we focus heavily on the power of gratitude and incorporating music as it is an important element of mental wellness. I try myself to practice gratitude daily to maintain optimum mental wellness.

Gratitude and music therapy are both powerful in their ability to positively impact mental and emotional well-being. I would like to outline the connection between gratitude and the impact or benefits of music in mental wellness.


1- Positive Psychology:

Gratitude is a central theme and focus in positive psychology. Practicing gratitude involves acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of life, which can contribute to increased happiness and life satisfaction. Gratitude also can trump negative or fear thoughts they cannot exist at the same time.

2- Emotional Well-Being:

Having consistent practice of gratitude has been linked to improved emotional well-being. Expressing thankfulness can reduce stress, enhance mood, and contribute to a more positive outlook on life. Research has shown that consciously practicing gratitude can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. In fact, studies have found that a single act of thoughtful gratitude produces an immediate 10% increase in happiness, and a 35% reduction in depressive symptoms. 

3- Social Connection:

Gratitude often involves recognizing the contributions of others. This can strengthen social bonds and relationships, fostering a sense of community and support which is important in mental wellness.

4- Mindfulness and Presence:

Gratitude practices often encourage individuals to be present in the moment and become mindful of the positive aspects of their day to day lives. This can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of peace.

Music Therapy

1- Emotional Expression:

Music has the power to evoke and express a wide range of emotions. Music therapy can serve as a channel for individuals to express and process complex feelings, including gratitude either through playing or listening to music.

2- Stress Reduction:

Listening to or creating music has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. Music therapy provides a structured and therapeutic environment for individuals to engage with music as a means of relaxation or mindfulness. Get your free meditation download here from our amazing music therapist, Zach. 

3- Enhanced Mood:

Music has the ability to influence mood and emotions. Music therapists use music interventions strategically to help individuals first validate and then shift their emotional states, working on achieving a more positive and uplifted mood.

4- Connection and Communication:

For individuals who may struggle with verbal expression, music can serve as a powerful means of communication. Music therapy facilitates connection and self-expression, even for those who find it challenging to convey their emotions verbally. Mewsic Moves offers multiple groups for clients to connect.

5- Cognitive Benefits:

Music therapy has cognitive benefits, such as improved memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. These cognitive enhancements can contribute to a more positive and empowered sense of self. Some music therapists are also trained in Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) which specialize in working with clients with neurologic conditions such as Autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and more that focuses on the cognitive benefits of music on the brain. All of our therapists are trained in NMT.

6- Community and Support:

Participating in music therapy sessions can create a sense of community and support. Group music-making or shared listening experiences foster a feeling of belonging and shared purpose. At Mewsic Moves we have multiple groups that focus on the importance of community connection and support such as: Glee Choir, Rock Band, Music in Recovery, Musical Minds and more. Click here to view our group supports.

7- Therapeutic Relationship:

The therapeutic relationship between the music therapist and the individual is crucial. The therapist uses music to create a safe and supportive space, allowing individuals to explore and process their emotions, including gratitude.

How to Integrate Music in Your Gratitude Practice?

1- Gratitude Journals with Musical Elements:

Integrating music into gratitude practices, such as keeping a gratitude journal, can enhance the experience. Individuals might reflect on moments of musical joy or create playlists that represent things they are thankful for.

2- Expressing Gratitude Through Music:

Music can be a unique and creative way to express gratitude. Composing a song, playing an instrument, or even selecting a meaningful piece of music can serve as a personal expression of thanks.

3- Mindful Listening Practices:

Incorporating mindfulness and gratitude into music listening experiences can deepen the therapeutic impact. Paying close attention to the nuances of the music and appreciating the auditory journey can enhance the mindfulness aspect of gratitude.

4- Music Playlist of songs to reflect gratitude:

Making playlists on your smart phones or devices of songs that reflect gratitude can be an easy way to reflect on gratitude through music and songs from your favorite artists. 

In summary, both gratitude and music therapy contribute to emotional well-being and can be integrated for a holistic approach to mental health and wellness. The combination of these practices can offer individuals unique and meaningful avenues for self-expression, connection, and optimum mental wellness.

We’d love to hear from you…What is your favorite gratitude song?

Mewsic Moves offers individual as well as group therapy support to help clients optimize mental wellness. We offer a FREE 15 minute consultation and look forward to supporting you. Click here to schedule your FREE consultation.

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11 Music Activities to do With Your Family During Corona Virus Shut Down

This is a challenging time for many right now as businesses and schools are closing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus. There are millions of children that are having to stay home and one of the biggest concerns for parents is …

“What do I do with my children all day?”. 

As a music therapist in the field for the past 15 years I have spent a lot of time helping families create and implement at home music programs from educational to a multitude of other therapeutic goals. As fear and worry surrounds us during this shutdown it is of utmost importance to also focus on optimum mental health. Music therapy has sown increase positive benefits over the years in multiple research studies that help reduce anxiety, depression, fear and worry. What a more important time right now to use music more than ever.

Here is a list of some of the musical activities that I suggest you share and implement with your family during this time. I highly suggest you to make it fun, make it educational and make it meaningful and memorable! These are times that children will remember most that during stress and chaos “my family came together through music and play”.

Enjoy sharing music with your family during this time!

1. Music Improvisation or Family Jam Session


Most music therapists use music improvisation (or jamming) as a way of connection, communication and helping clients redirect their energy and focus. You do NOT need to be a musician to improvise music. You can utilize instruments that you may already have at home or make it fun and creative and find objects around your home to use as instruments. For example: Pots and pans, buckets, keys, plastic containers, and much more can be fun improvisation instruments. You can also make a fun scavenger hunt for your family to see how many items they can find at home to turn into an instrument. Enjoy the creativity, sounds and rhythms you can make together as a family. Solos are also fun as well!

2. Song Play Lists

Music therapists often help clients collect songs to create various playlist to match their emotions or create memories of monumental moments. You can take some time where you and your family chooses an emotion and search for songs that they can place in each play list. Children can even do this on their own if you give them directions and access to YouTube to find songs that fit each category. Some category examples are:

  • Music to motivate me

  • Music that makes me happy

  • Music from my favorite movie

  • Music that clams me, etc.

  • Music family favorites

3. Music Dance Party


Music and movement is central to our bodies and can help us regulate our emotions and allow us to release tension. When music is played our whole bodies receive the therapeutic benefits of its vibration and sound. Mewsic moves (play on words intended) us to move and dance so why not create a list of your families favorite dance songs and move together and have fun.

4. Karaoke

Singing has been known to decrease anxiety and depression as well as a powerful tool in expressing our feelings. Find some family favorites and sing along together. Youtube has a lot of karaoke sing along versions of songs that could be fun for you and your family.

5. Song Rewriting

Music therapists utilize song rewriting activities in many sessions to help clients connect to their feelings or to express themselves. Song rewriting can be made easier by taking out various words from a familiar song for your family to fill in the blanks and to make the song their own.

For example: You are my sunshine can be rewritten as:

You are my ___?___, you make me ___?___, when skies are ___?___…

6. Music to Relax and Practice Mindfulness

Music can have a therapeutic impact on helping us relax, practice mindfulness, focus on positivity and allow us to let go of negative/fearful thoughts. This can be a useful tool right now to help children (and parents) to practice relaxation, medication and practice focusing on gratitude and positivity in a time of uncertainty and worry. 

You can take time to go through all your families favorite songs that help them to feel calm. I prefer to use music that has no lyrics to help focus on images or thoughts that come to mind when you sit, listen and focus on mindfulness.

7. Music and Art


Music and art is a powerful combination to help express, focus and share our thoughts and/or feelings. Music and art is also a therapeutic combination to help with expression, mindfulness and exploring creativity. You can have your children create art (such as painting, drawing or collaging) to match the music or their feelings.

8. Make Your Own Instruments

This has usually been a favorite in my sessions with the children that I work with. Make this activity fun and encourage your children to find things around the house that they can use to make their own instruments.

For example: empty prescription medication bottles can turn into a fun musical shaker if filled with rice or beans. Also, plastic containers can turn into a fun guitar or stringed instrument with elastic bands around it. Pots and pans are always a favorite with young children but not so much with parents! (I learned how to play the drums with my parents pots and pans set)

9. Music Trivia

This will take a little bit of research and time but can be a fun activity to learn more about music, lyrics and artists. For example:

  • How many songs can you list that has the word HAPPY in it?

  • Name 3 songs by Beyonce

  • Who sang Let it go?

10. Learn a New instrument 

For those of you that may have an instrument at home this can be an ideal time to sit down and learn some of the basics of this instrument together. Youtube has many amazing videos on basic piano, guitar and ukulele strategies to name a few. I highly recommend ukulele as it is an affordable instrument as well as easier to learn than guitar, especially for younger children.

11. Educational Learning Through Music 

Many music therapist utilize music to help children learn new educational material that they may have struggles with at school. Turn math, reading and social stories to a whole new level by creating a simple melody to make learning fun and easier to learn. How did most of us learn the alphabet? We sang it!! Make learning fun through music.  For example:

  • Create math song melodies to learn addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and more.

  • Use rhythm and melody to help with spelling

I hope you find these 11 musical interventions helpful for you and your family during this time of being homebound and trying to fill the time. Also, please share any of your ideas or musical videos of you and your family creating music together as I’d love to see what you create together.

I welcome any additions to this list and love to share musical resources to help all families during this time. Please share in the comments below.

Mewsic Moves is also offering telemusictherapy sessions during this time for those that need additional mental health support in dealing with anxiety and depression or also those that want to continue individual music therapy sessions but are practicing social distancing.

For more information please reach out to us:


phone: (818) 877-6797

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Why Singing is Important Especially During the Holiday Season

Photo by David Beale on Unsplash

Photo by David Beale on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why people like to carol during the holiday season? Why singing Christmas songs is a family tradition for so many American families? Or why does your church always ask you to sing together as a part of your Christmas Eve service?

The answer is probably simpler than you'd think. It's because it brings joy to you when you sing, especially when you sing with others. We are not saying this just because we are music therapists, but because science suggests it as well. It brightens your day by lifting your spirit, but do you know what it does to your brain? Well, let me unfold the magic of singing to you on a science level.

Before we know anything about modern choir or singing in church, human beings have already started the ritual of singings back to tens of thousands of years ago. Our ancestors, regardless of culture, language, or origin, have all used music or singing as a tool for community building. It's almost like it was built into our evolutionary history.

Although back then, singing and performing were mainly done by the "professionals", or the "talents", you can't deny the effect of closeness and joy for anyone who decides to open their mouths to sing, professionally or not. Neurologists have done researches to suggest that when people sing together, their brains release a hormone called oxytocin, which is commonly known as the "love hormone", and makes people feel closer to each other emotionally. Not only does the closeness happen between people who sing together, researches also suggested that the act of listening when singing in groups makes participants' brain responses to synchronize with one another. That's why it still makes you feel closer to the people around you regardless of your singing skills. It's not the excellent music we are looking for, but the closeness that music can bring us.

Other than making people feel closer together, music is probably the best anti-depressant you can get over the holiday season. No extra sugar or alcohol needed, singing will do the tricks! Neurologists suggested that our brains release dopamine and serotonin during singing activities (meaning both listening to it and doing it) with people you love. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in our brains that regulates the pleasure and reward centers, and serotonin is found mostly in the digestive tract that helps regulate our moods, social behaviors, and appetite. According to Daniel Levitin, a psychology professor at McGill University and author of This is Your Brain on Music, said that around 20 percent of Canadians are currently taking some sort of SSRI or anti-depressant drugs to maintain their mood balance caused by lack of serotonin. It's incredible to know that singing with others, especially the ones you love, can lift your mood and fill your holiday prescription of that anti-depressant you've been taking.

If you are spending your holiday with any elderlies in the family, make sure you include them as well when you do the family singing tradition. Neurologists have shown that memories involved music can engage broader neural pathways than other types of memories. Listening to an old song can bring back so much of one's memories with vivid details of emotions or visual cues. Music therapists have spent years implementing music therapy services in nursing homes and elderly facilities, using music and singing to evoke the lost memory of many dementia and Alzheimer's patients. It's always a surprise for the families to see dementia or Alzheimer's patients who can't even remember their own sons' and daughters' names but can sing an old song without missing a single lyric. Singing stimulates multiple areas in our brains across both left and right hemispheres, which keeps more neuron cells in excellent working order.

I can't think of a better gift you can give to your family and friends this holiday season other than music. The most wonderful things sometimes are the simplest things that we fail to notice. So remember to sit down next to the ones you love, sing a little song together. Include the kids and elderlies in the family. It doesn't matter if you sing on pitch or in the most accurate rhythm, what matters is the closeness and joy that singing brings us.

I wish you a wonderful holiday full of music, warmth, and joy!


Here are some original songs that I wrote for your and your family for the holidays. Hope you enjoy singing them with your family and friends.

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How Music Therapy Interventions Can Address the Culture of Bullying

In recent years, the conversation on how to curb bullying has been fruitful and productive. However, it remains a persistent phenomenon today, especially among children.

Bullying involves acts showing hostile intent predicated on power imbalance, which takes different forms like provocation and intimidation. A recent study from the National Center for Education Statistics found that one in five students between ages 12 and 18 have experienced bullying. The study also found that the intimidation tactics have increasingly taken the form of online or text harassment—around 15% of bullied students have reportedly experienced this.

Bully prevention strategies are crucial for schools and other supposedly safe spaces where children learn. The act of being bullied leads to stress, distress, and anxiety. Researchers from King's College London in the United Kingdom even uncovered that bullying has long-term effects on children. The study found that children who experience bullying have higher risks of mental health illnesses and hampered brain development. Indeed, Maryville University highlights that there are fundamental connections between mental health and learning abilities, and the two affect each other in more ways than we realize. Bullying has many long-term impacts, and chief among them is how it can impair a child’s capacity to learn.

Music as a prevention strategy

Bullying is a complex issue, especially with children. It encompasses the social, economic, structural, and psychological dimensions of upbringing. As a social relationship, bullying is harmful both for the victim as well as the bully. This is why prevention strategies being used are often intertwined and comprehensive.

A landmark study from the University of Minnesota in 2013 found that music therapy can be used as an effective intervention for both bullies and victims. While the longitudinal study focused on gender-based bullying, it showed how exposure to music and interaction mediated by instruments helped in easing negative dynamics among children. By exposing them to feminine-masculine types of music and instruments, the music therapy improved peer relations and self-management.

How does it work?

Music therapy is widely prescribed for many use cases. From pain management and anxiety relief to helping reduce the impacts of trauma and helping recovery, music therapy is seen as an effective alternative mediation for many conditions. As an intervention strategy, music therapy works towards multiple goals including cultivating social skills, regulating emotions, and diffusing toxic behaviors. It can also help children adjust after their non-structured summer vacation, when it’s time to go back to class again.

Music helps children develop their self-expression and socialization process. This is why it’s effective in directing and shaping social behaviors. For reducing bullying behaviors, music therapy is targeted at taking out aggressive behaviors and dis-incentivizing cliques. Psychologists from the University of Pretoria subjected students to music therapy and measured the changes in aggressive behaviors among students. The study found that music intervention, elicitations like drumming and song writing in particular—are effective in decreasing hostile behaviors. 

Choosing a method

One of the key characteristics of music therapy as an intervention is its flexibility. It’s an inexpensive but efficient way to deal with multiple goals including reducing bullying behaviors. Choosing an apt method would entail extensive goal setting in reducing bully behavior at school.

When used for children, music therapy often contain elements that are familiar to the students. More passive methods like music reminiscence and stimulation can encourage relaxation and socializing. Meanwhile, more active methods are more targeted. Singalong is a highly social method as it encourages participation in a collective setting. It’s a fun way to let them create more trust towards their peers.

Song writing and learning instruments are more advanced methods. By way of teaching skills, children learn introspection and benefit from peer learning. Incorporating classmate feedback sessions can encourage openness among children.

The potential of music therapy as an effective anti-bullying intervention program hinges on its impact on children’s overall development. The culture of bullying won’t go away in a flash, but the active engagement of children against it can be done one note at a time.

Exclusively written for MewsicMoves.Com

By: Leila Alayna

John Mews, Owner, Founder and Neurologic Music Therapist at Mewsic Moves is also trained in a social and emotional skill building drum facilitation program, “Beat The Odds® ” that utilizes drumming and rhythm to help children, teens as well as adult to connect to one another, improve attention, reduce anxiety and improve social skills throughout greater Los Angeles.

In this program development, researchers at UCLA have shown that,

Beat the Odds® can significantly improve a spectrum of behavior problems in children, such as inattention, withdrawn/depression, post traumatic stress, anxiety, attention deficit/hyperactivity, oppositional defiance, and sluggish cognitive tempo (Ho, Tsao, Bloch, & Zeltzer, 2011).

For more information on Beat the Odds® go to:

I also want to extend a special thank you to Leila Alayna for this special guest blog article.

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What is Your Brain Doing During Music Therapy?


A review of a recent case study on how the brain reacts to music therapy. 

“For the first time researchers have been able to demonstrate that the brains of a patient and therapist become synchronized during a music therapy session, a breakthrough that could improve future interactions between patients and therapists.” 

On July 25, 2019, a new study was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. It was the first research that utilized a procedure called hyperscanning in music therapy research, which allowed researchers to better understand the interaction between two people by recording brain activities in both brains at the same time. 

Both EEG (electroencephalogram) and video recording were used to capture data of the session from both the therapist and the client in a guided imagery and music session. GIM music therapist guided the client through an “imaginary journey” while incorporating music listening and images to elicit memories, emotions, and feelings from the client, and to help the client understand life issues. 

In this dyadic case study, the goal was to engage the client in a supportive music experience while discussing strong emotions. A series of classical music was played during the session while the client shared and discussed issues and concerns in her life. The researchers specifically looked for the “moment of interest” which was defined as a therapeutically important moment. Brain synchronization was observed through brain scan and video recordings during moments of interest. During one of the moments of interest, the brain scan showed that the client experienced a shift of emotion from negative to positive, which shortly followed by a similar shift in the therapist. The researchers concluded that the client and the therapist truly connected during the session, and such a therapeutic setting provided a safe environment to work on negative emotions, fear, anxiety, etc. 

This study marks a milestone in music therapy research by demonstrating the brain synchronization between a patient and a music therapist during a music therapy session. It allowed us to see what "moment of change" looks like inside the brain. The findings could set the foundation on understanding emotional processing in therapeutic interactions, and determining the effectiveness of music therapy in psychodynamic settings. 

Original Source

Jörg C. Fachner, Clemens Maidhof, Denise Grocke, Inge Nygaard Pedersen, Gro Trondalen, Gerhard Tucek, Lars O. Bonde. “Telling me not to worry…” Hyperscanning and Neural Dynamics of Emotion Processing During Guided Imagery and MusicFrontiers in Psychology, 2019; 10 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01561

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Autism Parenting Magazine Lists Music Therapy/Mewsic Moves as a Resource!

I've had the privilege of writing multiple articles for the autism parenting magazine over the past few years. They have covered many great topics and have been an amazing resource for parents, educators and therapists over the years. Some of my articles they've published are:

Last year the Autism Magazine also awarded us with the Top Music Therapy Writer for their magazine in 2014!

Just last month they have created an online resource for parents and I am so excited to announce that Mewsic Moves has made the list! We are so grateful to the Autism Parenting Magazine for all they do for families across the country, online and around the world. Thank you for being such a great tool and resource for so many. 

You can find the resource list by clicking HERE.

You can also get your FREE copy of the Autism Parenting Magazine by clicking HERE.

Please share this resource with families of children with special needs and others who may benefit from any of these resources. 

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For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here.

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Top 5 Qualities to Look For in a Music Therapist

I recently read a blog on the top 5 qualities to look for in an individual therapist or family therapist. It got me thinking. What do parents or other professionals look for in a music therapist? What are the key qualities to look for in a music therapist?

Here are the qualities I have come up with for top 5 qualities to look for in a music therapist working with children.

1. Team Player

It is very important to find a music therapist who works well in a multi-disciplinary team. When I first began my practice I was so "green" and I consulted with other therapists such as Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapists. I learned so much from them and more over, I learned how to work together to make sure the best success was achieved for the child. Make sure that your music therapists has a wealth of consulting and works well with others in the child's team support system.

2. Creative and Fun

It is important for a music therapist to be creative. It is often imperative that a music therapist be able to make up songs and activities "on-the-spot" to match your child to where they're at. A music therapist often needs to adapt songs and activities to engage or motivate a child in the desired activity to achieve various goals.

3. Adaptable & Knowledgable

Just because a music therapist has a bachelor or masters degree it doesn't end there. Music therapists are required to follow up on continuing education and researching the latests educational resources in their specialized client population.

4. Compassionate and Patient

Working with children with special needs, especially autism can be most challenging at times. It is very important that the music therapist you are seeking to work with your child has a deep desire and compassion to work with children with special needs. You have every right to ask your therapist what inspired them to choose to work with children with autism. It is also crucial that music therapists working with children with autism have a great deal and gift of patience. Considering children with autism function and experience the world in different ways than we do, it is crucial that the music therapist you choose has a great deal of patience in waiting and understanding how your child acts or reacts in certain situations.

5. Problem-Solver

Working with children with special needs considers a great deal of problems-solving skills. It's imperative that the music therapist that you choose can "think on their feet" and come up with a solution that your child is dealing with through a musical activity or therapeutic intervention. You can simply ask your therapist in an interview, "what is the most challenging client you have worked with and how did you problem-solve to come up with a solution?"

I hope you find this list helpful in choosing the music therapist that is the best fit for you and your child's needs. For a list of music therapist in your area you can contact your local music therapy association or the American Music Therapy Association website. 

If you have other qualities that you think are important I would love to hear from you, please write them in the comment section below.

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The Reason I Jump: Understanding Autism - "A Must Read"

The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida (translated into English by David Mitchell and KA Yoshida)

Have you ever wondered why those with autism jump, flap their hands or make high pitched noises? This book answers all those questions that I once had as a student in this field. Rarely do I read a book all the way through in a week, let alone one night, but this one I just could not put down. I first heard about this book through social media posts, and then when I saw John Stewart interview co-author David Mitchell on The Daily Show.  I ordered the book on Amazon the next day.

I wish this book was available to me when I first started my career as a music therapist! This book offers tremendous insight into the inner world of those living with autism, and does a great job explaining the reasons for various behaviors and reactions.  This book gives answers to questions that took me many hours to understand with my clients.  This book will serve as a refresher for those with lots of clinical experience with this population.  For everyone else, this book is a great read and a real eye opener about what it means to live with autism.  

This book answers many questions many of you have likely pondered including:

  1. Why do you make a huge fuss over tiny mistakes?
  2. Why do you flap your fingers and hands in front of your face?
  3. Is it true that you hate being touched?
  4. Why don't you make eye contact when you're talking?
  5. Why can you never stay still?

One of my favorite sections from the book relates to how people talk to those with autism. The interviewer asks the question, "Do you find childish language easier to understand?"  Naoki, a 13 year old with autism replies , "whenever anyone treats me as if I'm still a toddler, it really hacks me off."  I observed this many times in my practice, and this was mostly done by their parents! I have long encouraged parents to speak in an "age appropriate" manner, both with language and expectations. There are lots of gems like this in the book, and I highly recommend this book to all professionals working with this population.

Get your copy now by clicking here!

You can also find other books on understanding autism below:

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A Music Therapists Adaptation of "Leaves are Falling Down"



A music therapist will often be called upon to come up with a song in the spur of the moment to facilitate a positive therapeutic intervention.  Over the years, I’ve built up quite a collection of these “on-the-spot” creations to help children with special needs relax and learn special skills.  It occurred to me a while back that other music therapists might find these songs useful, so over the past year I recorded some and wrote out the musical score.

Jennifer Hezoucky, MT-BC, Jacobsburg, OH.

I recently I received a very touching email and newsletter from Jennifer, a music therapist in Jacobsburg, Ohio who bought my fall song, “Leaves are falling down.” She shared with me a beautiful video of how she used the song with young pre-school children.  Here is what she wrote:

What's Happening this Fall!

“At Creative Learning Daycare my preschool music class has been singing songs about fall. What a great way to incorporate learning when you have a seasonal theme! I love searching for new songs to use with my groups and I came across a song written by John Mews who is a music therapist and owner of Mewsic Moves. His song is called "Leaves are Falling Down.” There are many ways to use this song but I chose to use my new NSL 30" drum and scarves. Instead of using the stand that the drum came with I chose to set it on the floor so that the children can sit around the drum and experience playing one instrument as a group. I placed colored scarves in the middle of the drum (preferably fall colors) and held up each scarf as we sang what color was picked up. This was a great activity to introduce group drumming and color recognition.”

This song was created and written by John Mews, music therapist and owner of Mewsic Moves. I am always looking for songs to use with my music students. This one was fun to sing while drumming!

Click on the video to the right to watch how Jennifer adapted this song on the gathering drums with pre-school aged children.

Watching her video with those beautiful children really warmed my heart. Seeing the wonderfully creative way Jennifer used my song to create that moment made me feel very glad that I’d recorded it.

I love your stories, and am so grateful when you share them with me!  Thank you Jennifer for your amazing work and for sharing this beautiful video.

To view Jennifer’s webpage go to:

Now that you get a sense of how this song can be used in creative ways I would like to offer each reader a discount on this song!

Now you can get a 50% discount of “Leaves are Falling Down” through the end of November. (Offer expires November 30th)

Click on the "buy now!" button to the right and enter this code at checkout: LEAVES









For FREE songs and tips on how to support children with special needs through music  Click Here!

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The drum set every music therapist "must have"!

When I first began my music therapy practice over ten years ago, I carried around a small suitcase full of rhythm and percussive instruments. I also took with me a heavy hand-carved African djembe drum.  I would often have a sore back at the end of a long day.  I would often wish they made these things lighter!

And wishes often do come true. A few years later that I discovered Remo’s Sound Shapes®. These were a blessing to me as I'm sure they are to music therapists around the world! These are fun, colorful, stackable and light drums that you can carry under your arm. Oh, and they also come in packs of 6, so you are totally set up for a group.

I have used these drums in the following ways to support children with developmental disabilities.

  • Pre-Reading Skills - Playing and matching colors from left to right.
  • Gross-Motor Skills - Playing the drums and moving them from high to low and from left to right.
  • Color Recognition - Reading and matching colors to each drum
  • Social Skills - Taking turns, listening to each other and sharing drums with one another.

I have even created an early music education exercise to help children learn the fundamentals of music, music note value and colors with REMO Sound Shapes®. 

I think you’ll find these drums very useful and easily portable in your music therapy sessions. I have used them primarily for children but I'm sure you can find them useful for all ages and populations.

For more details on REMO Sound Shapes® Click Here!

Remo Connectors

Remo also makes connectors that you can use to join the drums together to make a full drum set. 

For more details on REMO Sound Shapes® connectors Click Here!




Here are other Remo products that I recommend:

To find out more about Remo click here!

For Free songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here!

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Mewsic Moves in the Media - The Acorn

Mewsic Moves in the Media - The Acorn

Mewsic Moves in the Media - The Acorn

On August 13th, 2014, I had the opportunity to announce the Glee Choir in front of Calabasas City Council. I was honored to stand before the council members and share my passion and joy in providing music therapy programs for families of children with special needs, especially the Glee Choir program.

A few days after the meeting, I was thrilled to receive a request for an interview from Sylvie Belmond, who is a reporter for The Acorn newspaper.

Sylvie had lots of questions, and we talked for almost an hour.  She wanted to know more about music therapy and the Glee Choir program that I had created. At the end of our interview, Sylvie said she felt it was important to let others know the importance of music therapy and how it is very different from music lessons.  A few weeks later, Sylvie’s article appeared in the September 4, 2014 edition of The Acorn.

I am very grateful to Sylvie for writing such a wonderful article, and to The Acorn for publishing it. I also want to thank Debi Frankle, MFT/Owner of Calabasas Counseling and Grief Center, Calabasas and Ping Ho, Founder – UCLArts and Healing for contributing to the story.

Credits to: Sylvie Belmond – Reporter at The Acorn

Click here to read the article:

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For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here.

Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles/

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Parents: This 5-Minute Ritual Can Change Your Life!

Parents of children with special needs usually adhere to a strict schedule of appointments that follow a set routine.  But sometimes even the best-planned schedule will require last minute change ups, and when this happens, chaos often follows, which can last throughout the rest of the day. 

Athletes use a visualizing process called, “mental rehearsal” to help them achieve their best performance. Have you ever tried visually planning your day first thing in the morning?  

I promise you that if you practice this 5-minute ritual on a regular basis, you’ll find you're mentally better prepared for any eventuality, your general outlook improves, and you’ll feel much more grounded when things do go “off the rails.” 

There are 5 simple steps to this ritual, one for each minute.  I suggest you do this as soon as you wake up when your mind is in its most relaxed state. (This doesn’t work if you oversleep your alarm of course!)

First Minute: 

Find a quiet place and breath deep. (Maybe play some slow classical music as background to help you relax) One of my favorite places to do this is in the shower.

Second Minute:

When you are feeling relaxed and calm, mentally start listing things for which you are grateful (e.g., I am grateful for my family, I am grateful for my health, etc.)

Third Minute:

Mentally forgive yourself and give yourself permission to make mistakes today. You can even visualize yourself in a stressful situation and guide yourself to a relaxing place of peace and resolution.

Fourth Minute:

Visualize your day's schedule and imagine that each item on your list is working out perfectly for you and your family.

Fifth Minute:

Acknowledge and appreciate that you are doing your best, your partner is doing their best, and your children are doing their best.

End with a deep breath and give thanks for the gift of Life.

Once you complete this morning ritual, you can go about your day knowing and trusting that things will work out for the best. You’ve given yourself some time and space to mentally plan as well as to guide your subconscious into planning and preparing your day to be a success.

Here are some books I recommend to parents who have children with special needs.  These are great resources to help you find balance – taking time for yourself and your children to create a happier and healthier home life.

For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here.

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5 Reasons Why Music Therapy is Effective For Children With Autism

March is music therapy awareness month and I would like to highlight some of the reasons why music therapy is effective especially for children with autism.

1.     It is multi-sensory

            Music is appealing to most of our senses, which makes music therapy unique in that we can work on multi goals simultaneously. For example, a drumming exercise helps with eye-hand coordination, eye contact, motor and impulse control.

2.     It is fun, safe and engaging

            Music therapy provides a fun, safe and engaging environment for children with autism to explore and play. It also provides many opportunities for successful outcomes which helps to builds self-esteem and increases motivation.

3.     It is structured and predictable

            Music therapy can provide a structured and safe environment for children with autism to explore.  Music that has a lot of repetition is predictable, which makes learning much easier for children with autism.  The musical repetition helps them to self-regulate, because they know what is coming up next.

4.     It is processed in all areas of the brain

            Recent research shows that when we listen to music, all areas of the brain are lit up.   Music therapists have known this for a long time, but now have the science to back it up. Music can help with speech and communication challenges, for social connection, for emotional regulation, motor control, and many other things.

5.     It facilitates communication

            Perhaps you’ve heard that “music is the universal language.”  Taking this literally, we can use music in therapy to increase non-verbal communication through improvisation. Children with autism connect to music to express their feelings, emotions, and life stories. The interplay between the music therapist and child with autism is done in a non-threatening way, opening up many channels of communication.

Please feel free to share and comment on how you find music therapy to be effective for children with autism.


For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here.

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5 Main Benefits of Drumming for Children With Special Needs

5 Main Benefits of Drumming For Children With SN

Does your child have challenges with speech and articulation? Eye-hand coordination? Or even having difficulty with social skills or social cues? Then drumming maybe the right tool for your child to overcome and build on some of these challenges.

There has been a lot of research on the benefits of drumming over the past few decades. Drumming has been shown to help reduce depressions, boost immune systems and build self-esteem. In this blog I want to focus on five main benefits of drumming for children with speical needs.

1. Increase Communication and Speech

Drums can reinforce speech, vocalizations, sounds and even help with sentence building. You can use drumming to reinforce word syllables and then expand to full sentences. Have the child sound out each syllable or word as they simultaneously play it on the drum.

2. Support Eye-Hand Coordination/Motor Skills

Drumming can help strengthen upper body control, arm movement and increase eye-hand coordination, particularly if you use more than one drum. Drumming with mallets helps with reaching, grasping, fluidity of movement and fine motor skills.

3. Develop Social Skills

Groups drumming, with the proper facilitation, is a powerful exercise for people of all ages to strengthen social skills. Group drumming teaches children to listen, pay attention, turn-taking, sharing, and taking cues from one another.

4. Support Emotional Needs/Impulse Control

Drumming can help a child learn to regulate their emotions. It can be very useful for expressing emotions and to "get it out." Drumming can vent aggressions, and invite in a calmer state of mind, particularly improve impulse control.

5. Improve Self-Esteem and Fun!

Drumming is catchy and can be a lot of fun. If you have ever been in a drumming group you can surely attest to this. Drumming is a great way for children with special needs to play and to get physical exercise.

Drumming combines motor movement with auditory and visual feedback, which makes it a great tool for strengthening a variety of skills for children with special needs. Since drumming is multi-sensory, it facilitates greater engagement, encourages learning, brain function, and skill building all while having fun! I have seen drumming to be very effective for my clients. I hope you'll give it a try!

To get you started, I wrote a song that helps facilitate a fun drumming experience while working on various skills mentioned above. To download the full song, click on the image to the right, check it out and let me know what you think. Happy drumming!

You can also view my youtube video on how to make your own rhythm sticks! Click Here To View

For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here.


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I am a Music Therapist! I am an Advocate! #mtadvocacy

I am a Music Therapist!.jpg

January is Social Media Awareness month for music therapy advocacy.  #mtadvocacy

To me, an advocate is someone who believes who-heartedly in their cause, and demonstrates by example those values and beliefs, and seeks to educate others on the merits of their particular cause. 

I wasn't always a music therapy advocate. During my undergraduate studies in music, I soon realized that a career in music wasn't for me.  I knew the power of music, but I really wanted to be in a healing/helping profession. My faculty advisor suggested I consider music therapy and recommended I read Case Studies in Music Therapy, by Kenneth Bruscia. That day I became a music therapy advocate!  

This discovery caused me to move from Newfoundland to Vancouver to get my degree in music therapy.   That was 14 years ago this month!  Wow, how time flies.

Over the years I have learned and applied the modalities of music therapy, and have seen some amazing transformations in many of my clients.

My music therapy clientele has mostly been children with special needs, primarily autism. Over the years, I have heard so many parents say that they had tried every kind of therapy out there, but that music therapy is the only one that worked.  This is why I have been such an advocate for music therapy in everything I've done since -- as a music therapist, marriage and family therapist, child advocate, student executive, college professor, online blogger,  and in various committee positions.  Here is how I advocate for music therapy every day:

  • Doing

  • Showing

  • Proving 

  • Blogging

  • Modeling

  • Sharing

  • Educating

  • Loving

  • Encouraging

  • Supporting

  • Promoting

  • Researching

  • and more...

These are just a few qualities I have committed to as a music therapy advocate. Can you think of other qualities to add to this list? Please write in the comments below.

To celebrate music therapy advocacy month (#mtadvocacy) I am offering 50% off all my original songs.

Click on the image to the right and it will take you to the song list. 

Enter Code: MTAD2014

Offer Ends: January 31, 2014

Get Your Discounted Songs Now!

Happy Music Therapy Advocacy Month!


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For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here!

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"Music Therapy Rocks!" sharing a guest blog, by Susan Seale

MT Rocks Guest Blog Susan Seale.jpg

I have recently joined a vibrant supportive online Facebook group called, The Daily Dose, created by Kat Fulton and Tim Ringgold. Kat and Tim also created an online support for clinicians to have a platform to fertilize their dreams and share their successes, This is an inspirational group filled with music therapists, clinicians and educators in business.

I this group, Kat and Tim chooses inspirational weekly themes and doses us daily with amazing articles, videos and tips to help inspire and move us into the best year of our businesses. What I enjoy most is that they also encourage us to share our dreams, visions and successes with each other in the group.

I've had the pleasure of sharing my dream in the discussion group this past week about the Glee Choir program I had created. I also shared that I am expanding this program to Southern California, Agoura Hills area! Instantly, I was flooded with amazing cheers, roars, comments and even guests bloggers sharing my dream and passion for support for adults with special needs through music therapy, such as, the Glee Choir Program.

Susan Seale - Founder of Make Me Musical!

Susan Seale - Founder of Make Me Musical!

A fellow group member, Susan Seale, writes passionately on her blog from Victoria, BC. Canada about the Glee Choir Program! Susan is the founder of, Make Me Musical! She has an amazing company supporting professionals and parents in their work to nurture, heal and educate children, and all through music and the arts! Congratulations Susan.

Please follow the link below and read Susan's blog post on the Glee Choir and her perspective on music therapy, entitled, Music Therapy Rocks! Thank-you Susan for sharing! Susan and I both welcome your comments!

Read Susan's Blog Post Here!

Stay in-tune (musical pun intended) for more information on the Glee Choir coming to Agoura Hills California! If you would like more information please contact me:


John Mews, MA, MTA

Founder & Director - Mewsic Moves

Music Therapist

Special Needs Family & Parenting Coach

Agoura Hills, CA


For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here!

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How a Music Therapist Adapts Songs to Fit Each Client's Need

I want to share an experience with you from a therapist who used my song, Leaves are Falling Down. click here for song

Nam Kim Kyo, a talented and creative music therapy colleague of mine share with me some of her adaptations of this song. She kindly has allowed me to share these with you to give you some ideas on how you might use this song with children who have special needs.

First check out her art props! She had her clients decorate the foam leaves into smiling life-like characters! What a great idea. Can you tell which one her client made? (You've got to love the big eye expression.)


Client A:

This client has been diagnosed with Autism and has minimal verbal and communication skills. One of Nam's goals was to teach her client to recognize body parts and colors. Nam presented her client with red, yellow, orange and brown leaves made of foam. She then encouraged her client to match the correct colors while providing verbal, visual and musical prompts. She said her client seemed to be very engaged and was able to match the verbal/musical prompt to the proper leaf colors with success!

Client B:

This client has been diagnosed with Autism, Seizure Disorder, is non-verbal and is considered low functioning. Nam is working on teaching him how to reach, grasp and release, as this client often grabs objects but has trouble letting them go. Nam cleverly adapted the song's activity by turning the drum upside down, then having her client pick up the leaves and drop them into the upside-down drum with a verbal and musical cue! Fun!

These are just two ways in which you can adapt this song to fit an activity. I want to thank Nam for sharing her stories and artwork with us and encourage her to keep up the great work. 

How have you adapted songs to help address any of your child or client's needs? I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment or suggestion below. 


Nam is practicing music therapy specializing in supporting children with autism and teaches music in Vancouver, BC. Canada.




For a download of the song click here.

For a download of the adaptive drum song instructional video click here.

For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with music click here.

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Why is it Important to Teach Your Child to be Thankful?

Does your child have a lot of expensive things, such as an iPad, Xbox, Nintendo DS, DSI, or an iPhone even?


If so, did they receive these gifts as a reward? Or have you been showering these expensive gifts on them simply because they are your child? And when they received these gifts, did they express their gratitude?

Over the years I have seen children with the most expensive shoes, gadgets, and clothes. Many of these children had severe behavioral problems, like acting out in school and/or showing disrespect for their parents and teachers. I asked the parents how they received these gifts, and I found that often these gifts were given for no particular reason - not even because it was their birthday or Christmas.

I believe that children who aren't taught to express gratitude will face many difficulties later in life. Positive psychology demonstrates that the more we are grateful, the happier and more fulfilled our lives will be. Betsy Brown Braun , a child development and behavior specialist, states that not only is it mannerly to say "thank-you," but that thankfulness is connected with living a happier, more resilient, empathic and self-fulfilled life. 

I had the good fortune of being born into a very giving family. Yes, things were given to me when I didn't necessarily deserve them. But fortunately my parents also taught me to be grateful for the gifts I had received. 

Teaching children to be thankful can be a challenge because as they naturally develop their sense-of-self, they tend to become self-centered. But, a child that has learned to be grateful will have better social skills, empathy and self worth.

As a music therapist I have taught children to be thankful through music.  I was inspired by the season of Thanksgiving to write a song entitled, "I am Thankful." This song includes two tracks, one with vocals and one without so you can sing along and insert the things for which you and your child are thankful. The song also comes with a lyrics sheet and chords so you can play along if you are musically inclined. One mother told me she played this song to her two young boys and was excited to hear them going through the house singing about the things they were thankful for! 

Here is an easy way to teach your child to be grateful. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am offering a 50% DISCOUNT on this song through the end of November. All you need to do is click on the picture to the right and type in this code when you place your order: THANKS

Get it soon as it is only available until November 30th! And share with as many people as you can!

Gratefully yours and Happy Thanksgiving!

John Mews, LMFT, MT

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10 Years as a Music Therapist And Still Using The "Top 10 Greatest Hits"

After Ten Years as a Music Therapist, I Still Use the “Top Ten Greatest Hits”


I am celebrating my tenth year as a music therapist. I have spent many hours learning new songs, as well creating new ones and developing adaptations.  However, I’m finding that I tend to use the same classic favorites over and over! These songs have such great utility in that they can be easily adapted for many different purposes.  These top ten melodies reliably get kids to start toes tapping, hands clapping and bodies grooving.

I use these songs as a platform for improvisation to inspire and motivate children with special needs.  It also saves me from having to create something new all the time!

So here are my Top 10 ”Greatest Hits” which I’ve found work well with children in music therapy:

  1. You are My Sunshine
  2. If You’re Happy and You Know it
  3. Shake Your Sillies Out
  4. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
  5. Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  6. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
  7. Do as I’m Doing
  8. Alphabet Song
  9. We’re Gonna Rock Around The Clock Tonight
  10. London Bridges
  11. Hey Dum Diddley Dum

Ok, I threw in an extra one for fun and good measure!

What are you favorite Top 10 Greatest Hits? Maybe together we can create a Top 100 Greatest Hits! Please share and comment below.

For FREE songs, videos and tips CLICK HERE!

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Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles/

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Help Your Child With Autism by Changing Their Routine


 Routines are important for most of us. We typically wake up at the same time, find the keys in the same place, and all the dishes are properly put away. We create routines and consistency in our lives to reduce stress and to keep things going smoothly.

This is particularly important for children with autism because they process information in a different way than most children.  Keeping things predictable can help reduce stress, filter out distractions, and help them to focus on the task at hand.

But what happens if our keys go missing? Or we find our car has a dead battery? What would we do? Panic? Fortunately most of us have developed healthy coping skills to deal effectively in situations like this.

I’ve seen therapists as well as parents create strict routines for their children with autism, and they keep those routines going for far too long! I often ask, what happens if the school bus is late? What happens if the fire alarm goes off  at school? What would your child learn from these strict routines about dealing with the unpredictable things in life?

Yes, I agree, whenever we start something new, we must first adhere to a strict schedule to eliminate distractions and keep the stress level down.  But I do believe that once your child has learned this routine and can manage it without stress, then we need to start implementing changes to their routine.

For example, I begin and end each session with the exact same tune, but with different words (“Hello” and “Good-bye”). Depending on the child’s functioning level, I will slowly incorporate a few changes to the lyrics and sometimes the order of which the song is placed in the schedule to see if there is a response to this change.  This can be a powerful tool in helping teach a child with autism how to cope when things don’t go exactly as they might expect. Then we explore options about what to do next, where we can go, how we can change things, what our options are and most importantly, how to manage the stress caused by the change.

How are you helping your child cope with changes in their routines or in everyday life? I hope you find this helpful and are encouraged to experiment by implementing subtle changes into your child’s routine.  This will better equip them to deal with the realities of life. Every moment something changes and something is different. Their success in life depends upon how well are they able to cope with change.

I’d love to hear how you incorporate subtle changes into your child’s daily routine to help them cope with change. Please leave a comment below.

Here are some resources I recommend to help you and your child cope with change.


Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles/

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