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Eating Disorder Support in a World of Stigma

An eating disorder IS a mental illness! Here are some resources that can support you, your family or your clients…

For those who are not familiar with eating disorders, you can find more information here: Eating Disorders Explained

About one-fifth of American medical students are required to take a nutrition course and most medical schools in the United States teach less than 25 hours of nutrition over four years, According to the Harvard School of Public Health, . Marcella Raimondo, PhD, MPH, discusses in one article how Eating Disorder Training is being left out of Medical Schools: Read here. Studies show that medical students receive less than two hours of training on eating disorders. Do you feel this is adequate training for such a complex disorder? Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses (Marcella ED Training)

Many individuals suffering from an eating disorder have stated that the lack of knowledge their doctor had negatively affected their recovery process. How can doctors have more sensitivity? How can families and loved ones become more educated? How can we support the eating disorder community? 

What is Health at Every Size (HAES)?

“Health at every size (HAES) is a lifestyle that encourages healthy eating and enjoyable physical activity as a way to feel better and live longer. Unlike other programs, it does not believe weight loss through dieting is the way to become healthy.” (National Geographic). Find out more information here: Health at Every Size

What is Intuitive Eating?

“Intuitive Eating is a self-care eating framework, which integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought and was created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. Intuitive Eating is a weight-inclusive, evidence-based model with a validated assessment scale and over 100 studies to date.” (intuitive

It is important to be educated on intuitive eating because it not only teaches one how to listen to their body, but also teaches one how to move on from when you may get too hungry or eat beyond fullness without shame or guilt. The wonderful book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch can be purchased here: Intuitive Eating 

The Ten Principles of Intuitive Eating - Find out More Here

  • Reject the diet mentality 

  • Honor your hunger

  • Make peace with food

  • Challenge the food police 

  • Discover the satisfaction factor

  • Feel your fullness

  • Cope with your emotions with kindness 

  • Respect your body 

  • Movement - feel the difference 

  • Honor your health - gentle nutrition 

 Important Resources for your knowledge:

  • Lindo Bacon - a major contributor to the HAES movement: Resources

  • Evelyn Tribole - writer of Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works: Resources

  • Marcella Raimondo - Advocate for there being more knowledge of nutrition in the medical system: Resources

  • National Eating Disorders Association - Resources

  • Project Heal - Resources

Youtube Resources:

Affirmations are important because they help aid us in the self-confidence and strength we may need to conquer our fears or insecurities. I remember when I was in treatment, I was with six other girls and each morning, we would pick one of each other’s names out of a hat and by the evening we would give each other affirmation. These would consist of what we found most special about that person. I accumulated all of those affirmation over the two months I was there and I saved them so when I am feeling particularly down, I will read them and remember what these girls who got to know me from spending twenty-four hours a day with me saw in me that i may not have seen in myself. 

Five Supportive Affirmations: (Find more here or think of your own and write them down!)

  • I am more than your eating disorder.

  • I am not perfect and that is okay. 

  • My worth is not defined by a scale.

  • I am worthy of love. 

  • I AM enough.

Music therapy is successful at helping those dealing with eating disorders. Schedule your free 15 minute consultation to learn more about how it can help you or your loved one.

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